South Wales Interpreters and Translators
Translators are Deaf BSL users who are trained and qualified to translate written English into British Sign Language.
Quite often translators are used in the media (on television, websites etc) where pre-existing English scripts are translated into BSL.
Translation of written English into appropriate BSL is a different skill set than that used by interpreters, which is why it is more appropriate to use a translator in many cases.
Examples of types of work undertaken by translators, rather than interpreters can include:
•Translating complex written information (such as new criteria, updates in information or statutory changes)
•Written reports (medical, social services, education, psychology)
•Translating Mental Health reports
•Documents related to employment
•Written Tests/examinations
•Translation of any written English for Deaf people with minimal language skills
•Translating any video with subtitles
Helen Foulkes
SMS: 07769 204548
Facebook: @HelenFoulkesTranslations
To contact all RSLTs featured on this webpage, please use the contact form below. Individual RSLTs will then respond to your request separately.
All information has been given by individual interpreters and the website owners take no responsibility for the validity of such. It is recommended that you check the status of each interpreter by visiting the NRCPD's website which can be found at
South Wales Interpreters and Translators would like to thank Matt Morris for the use of the Severn Bridge photograph above. To see more of Matt's work, please click here.